Re: [sixties-l] disparities

From: Jerry West (
Date: 10/07/00

  • Next message: John Johnson: "Re: [sixties-l] teeny tiny protests on Sproul Steps"

    David Horowitz wrote:
    The difference is that the law interfered with the market and enforced
    segregation. Which is precisely the point.When the market is allowed
    operate what happens is that the Greensboro lunch kitchen bigot refuses
    black business, and his competitor who doesn't beats him out.
    JW reply:
    It seems that you presuppose that the people of Greensboro were opposed
    to segregationist laws and would have gladly dined in integrated harmony
    had the law allowed.
    I would suggest that law or no law, the lunch kitchen bigot (or not)
    could have weighed the number of bigots who were likely to eat there
    against the number of others had he integrated and picked the higher
    number (rational capitalist decision), a point that Peter Levy also
    made. Another option is that the owner weighed the income to be made
    from integrating against the cost of being bombed, burned and shot at by
    his neighbors (again a rational capitalist decision, as well as a more
    primal one that goes beyond pure economics to a case of physical
    survival).  Not that I say that either of these were the reason, but in
    theory they are possible alternatives.
    As for your point that the market works when the law insists on equal
    opportunity, one can argue that any law that regulates the market,
    particularly as to who one must or must not sell to, is a perversion of
    the free market system.  Both laws mandating segregation as well as
    those mandating integration in the market place render that market no
    longer free and under the control of non-market forces.
    Truly free markets and free enterprise are features of anarchy.  David,
    are you favoring anarchism? :)
    Jerry West
    On line news from Nootka Sound & Canada's West Coast
    An independent, progressive regional publication

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