Re: vfh site

Todd Andrew Pontius (
Fri, 22 Nov 1996 10:11:01 -0500 (EST)

Hello to VFH members...

A few points about the page that others have probably said.

The links need to better tell people what is on the other side
of them - at times it's a bit confusing as to what goes where.
When I linked on to one site pertaining to foundation fellows,
i got an application telling me how to be a fellow... which
wasn't what I wanted (...or was it? I dunno).

The way that the site is laid out works well - there is no top
bottom hierarchy that may be misleading. However, sometims you
have to tell people where to go... grab their attention and
then give the facts. Maybe this kind of approach would work
well: divide up the information, separating the more technical
stuff from the more "surface level." At times I got more
information than I needed or wanted - I would curiously follow
a link and get slammed with something fairly technical...

Don't get me wrong! The amount of information on this site is
staggering (more than any other group methinks). The way that
things are laid out is good! However, maybe you need to design
the page so that you immediately receive a very shallow amount
of info, then allow people to get deeper and more info as they
need. Also, make sure you provide links backwards and forewrds
in the page - the flow is kinda awkward at times... All in
all, a very impressive effort!

Good luck!
T. Pontius