vfh site

Thejender Boaz Prasad (tbp6w@faraday.clas.virginia.edu)
Thu, 21 Nov 1996 23:54:19 -0500 (EST)

I really like the opening page idea. The fact that it's brief
and asthetically pleasing is a definite plus. I like the use
of the front of the house; it works well as a symbol of
welcome. I also like the background--the way you slanted the
letters, "vfh", so it wouldn't conflict with the horizontal
lines of the foreground words.

I see that you sort of stuck with your original idea of icons
radiating from a central point. I think it's visually
pleasing, but what happens when the folks at vfh want to add
more icons when they attempt to expand their web presence?
(...just a thought).

In regard to the icon "quick facts" I
suspect that to a first time viewer of this page
there might be some confusion as to what this
section really contains. Going to the page reveals that you
have the usual mission statements from large foundations like
the vfh. However, you also have information about contribution
which probably should not be there since you alrealy have a
"contributions" icon. You also have "upcoming events" listed
under the "quick facts" section. Entitling a section "quick
facts" conveys to me that the section probably has some brief
statements about vfh and that's about all. If I was a
web-surfer in VA looking to see what current events were
ocurring at the vfh I would probably not be immediately attracted to the
"quick facts" icon. Perhaps you should change the title of
that section to convey something broader, or add a new

I disagree with an earlier suggestion that the background be
taken away from the secondary pages. I think the background
serves to maintain the cohesiveness of the site. If you take
the background away, the secondary pages lose their identity as
a sub-page and seem like an independent page--aesthetically,