[sixties-l] Ok, Demos & Republ. = Only (!) 1/2 a Hitler!

From: Tom Nagy, Ph.D. (nagy@gwu.edu)
Date: 11/30/00

  • Next message: William M. Mandel: "Re: [sixties-l] Re: votes"

        For those who feel that Iraqi children are not fully human,  comparisons of
    the Democrats and Republicans to Hitler are indeed strained.
        But it is only fair to point out  that according to the Holocaust Museeum,
    Hitler killed  approximately  1.2 million Jewish kids under the age of 13 in the
    concenration camps  (further diagregation unaailable). How does that compare
    with the U.S. kid body count in Iraq.?
            The U.S. government has killed, conservatively,  1/2  million Iraq kids
    under the under the age of 5 with its sanctions curtestsy of Gore's Democrats
    and Bush's Republicans.  Both of these p.r. enhances "Hitlers" are fully
    committed to continuation  of the sanctions.  On all the candidates, only Nader
    condemned the genocide by sanctions consistently, repeatedly, and unequivocally.
            I agree with Ms. Cox and feel that refusal to face ugly but very real
    facts about the closeness of the Democrats and Republicans to Hitler on
    genocide, especially genocide directed against children is somewhere between
    pathetic and contemptable.
          Killing off the children of Iraq is, of course hardly a deviation for the
    Democrats and Republicans. There's the "apology" by Clinton and Albright (hey
    where were Gore and Leiberman?) for the U.S.'s shameful blocking of moves to
    prevent genocide in Rwanda (see Ch. 15 of the "Report of Emminent Personages).
         Also when, inconveniently, the truth commision, partly funded by the U.S.
    concluded that the U.S funded killing machine committed genocide in Guatamala,
    Clinton applologized -- but of course the appology  did not keep him and his
    Demo-Repub  cronies from  continued funding of the  genocide of the Kurds by
    Turkey or the continuous shredding of the Geneva Convention by Isael as it uses
    U.S. supplied rockets, tanks and artilery to deal with the "threat"of
    Palestinian kids throwing rocks to protest Israeli aparthaid.
            This sixies lists needs a serious realy check.  Is it about the spirit
    of the 60s or keeping in power the same Demos and indistinguishable (or scarcely
    distinguishable) Republicans who murdered the Vietnamese by the million?
    Tom Nagy
    George Washington University
    Tony Edmonds wrote:
    > Carrol Cox wrote:
    > >We have no friends in either of the parties. To speak of being
    > >between them is as silly as to speak of being between Hitler
    > >and Goebbels.
    > Isn't this analogy pretty strained, indeed insulting.  Whatever their flaws,
    > Bush and Gore are no Hitler and Stalin!
    > Tony Edmonds
    > Ball State University

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