[adhoc] voting issue: please vote by EOB April 11 (Monday)

From: John Unsworth <unsworth_at_uiuc.edu>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 08:54:26 -0500


During our conference call (see notes at
http://www3.isrl.uiuc.edu/~unsworth/ifdish-sc.03-15-05.html) we agreed

Harold and Lorna will put ADHO and ICHIO to a vote (or request a sense
of the group) by the executive councils of the two organizations, and
by the 21st of March the sense of each organization will be presented
to the steering committee, which will make the final decision.

Voting members of the steering committee are Harold, Laszlo, Lisa Lena,
me. March 21st has come and gone, and the best information I'm able to
gather is that the ALLC Exec expresses a preference for ADHO, and the
ACH exec is evenly divided. Therefore, I am asking voting members to
vote yea or nay on this proposition:

The umbrella organization representing ACH and ALLC (and in the future,
other organizations) will be known as ADHO (Alliance of Digital
Humanities Organizations).

Please remember that the only other choice on offer is ICHIO (we do not
want to reopen the question of other names), and please vote by the end
of business on Monday, April 11th. The results will be announced here
and to the executives of ACH and ALLC on the 12th, based on the
majority of votes cast.

I vote yea.


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Received on Thu Apr 07 2005 - 09:54:29 EDT

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