
From: Geoffrey Rockwell (
Date: Fri Oct 18 2002 - 12:31:10 EDT

  • Next message: Julia Flanders: "Re: Publications"

    Dear All,

    Having been put in charge of publications I would have looked at the
    chart and would like to try the following trial balloon model.

    1. The ACH alters their relationship with CHUM so that member do not
    have to subscribe to CHUM. It continues to be a choice (ie. they can
    pay an extra $50 or so to also get CHUM.)

    2. The LLC becomes the journal of the ACH and the subscription cost
    of LLC is woven into ACH membership fees.

    3. The handling of ACH membership is therefore handed over to the
    LLC. The "profit" that comes from subscriptions that come in through
    the ACH would go into ACH accounts. (I don't know what we would do
    about Library subscriptions that don't come through membership fees -
    Any ideas?)

    4. With the financial support from LLC and membership fees the ACH
    would set up, on behalf of the whole, an electronic journal. (We
    could start a new one or contract with an existing outfit to create
    one to our specifications.)

    5. Humanist would continue as is, as would the CHWP.

    6. We would set up a common news engine for all 5 organizations that
    would handle e-mail newsletters, announcement lists, and so on. This
    would be developed so that announcements going out as part of
    Ninch-Announce would be identified as Ninch-Announce even if coming
    from a common news database. The allied organizations would prepare
    an RFP and see if there is an organization among us willing to run
    this for us. We should be prepared to all fund this to a limited

    7. Likewise we pool our WWW sites into one WWW site with a mirror on
    a different continent (or two.) We pool the funds we have for
    administering our WWW sites and find a unit willing to run the
    respective sites for us. One goal for this would be building a
    long-term archive for ACH/ALLC conference abstracts.

    What do you think?


    Geoffrey R.

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