adhoc workplan

From: Harold Short (
Date: Wed Oct 16 2002 - 14:09:39 EDT

  • Next message: John Unsworth: "new member"

    Dear All

    I have set up a Work Group web site at

    This has been set up mainly as a repository for drafts of discussion
    papers and proposals as we develop them, and is therefore intended as a
    complement to the discussion list.

    To begin with, the web site contains:

    1. WG work plan, including terms of reference

    2. Outline structure for the set of position papers

    3. A 'reference' section that initially has links to
    John's 'table of activities' and to discussion
    papers drafted by John for the ACH Council and myself
    for the ALLC Committee, ahead of the July 2002 meetings that
    authorised the establishment of the adhoc WG. I'm happy to include any
    reference materials WG members would find it useful to have linked

    (Note: at time of writing there seems to be no access to the UVa web
    server from King's, but I assume this is temporary. Also, I don't
    currently have an url for JU's original briefing paper for the ACH
    Council, which I'm happy to add if so desired.)

    In general I don't propose to add materials from the discussion list to
    the web site, since we have ready access to the list archive.

    I'm happy to co-ordinate conference calls from time to time
    as may be thought necessary or useful.

    If you have comments on the terms of reference, the section allocations,
    the proposed modus operandi - or anything else - please send them as
    soon as possible.

    Early next week, I plan to add brief summaries of discussion to the
    'outline structure' document on the web site, with the intention of
    updating it from time to time as discussion develops and as draft
    discussion papers are received, so that at any time the outline
    gives a succint overview of the current state of thinking as well as
    links to the position paper drafts themselves. (This undertaking may
    prove to be overly ambitious...)

    Best wishes


    Harold Short
    Director, Centre for Computing in the Humanities
    King's College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS
    tel: +44 (0)20 7848 2739/2684 fax: +44 (0)20 7848 2980

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