[tei-council] guidance sought on maintenance of TEI Tite

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Sat Dec 6 21:37:01 EST 2014

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for all your work on Tite, and especially for maintaining the 
wiki page tracking progress; that's really helpful.

My vote would be to let you keep working on this as long as you're 
willing; you know it better than anyone else. For any issues you'd like 
Council to decide on, you could just assign the ticket to a member of 
Council, which should cause us to look at it and make a decision at some 
point, and then we could assign it back to you for implementation. 
Alternatively, if it's something you can explain fairly 
straightforwardly, post to the list and we can discuss it here.

The Tite ODD uses inclusion, which I believe is the preferred approach 
for a customization, because it ensures that

  - new elements added to TEI do not mysteriously appear in the 
customization schema because they haven't been explicitly excluded; and

  - a change to P5 which (for instance) might delete an existing element 
which is included in the customization will generate an error as soon as 
the ODD is compiled.


On 14-12-06 03:48 PM, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
> Hello Council members,
> I want to provide an update on the maintenance of TEI Tite.
> In 2010, Laurent Romary, who was then Council chair, appointed a task
> force for the maintenance of Tite:
> http://lists.village.virginia.edu/pipermail/tei-council/2010/012044.html
> The task force hasn't really managed to work together much; instead, the
> others have been content to let me do things.
> I let this work slide while I was on Council but when I finished up my
> term a year ago, I pledged to follow through on my unfulfilled
> obligations.  I've found some time recently to work on this.  (You can
> see my detailed notes if you're interested:
> http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/User:Kshawkin/My_Council_obligations/Plan_for_TEI_Tite
> .)
> At this point, I have managed to reconcile the two versions of Tite, and
> I have implemented a few bug and feature-request tickets that were
> straightforward and uncontroversial.
> Still, there's one bug and a number of feature requests that I am not
> comfortable with implementing unilaterally, and I'm not even sure any
> more that the Council still wants decisions about Tite made by members
> of this task force.
> I am willing to help see these things through to resolution, but I'd
> like to receive a renewed mandate to do so and, specifically, guidance
> on the extent to which I should make decisions on my own or seek input
> from you all or others.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
> P.S. -- I can never keep straight the difference between "old-style" and
> "new-style ODDs"; all I can remember is that one involved inclusion and
> the other exclusion of elements.  Could someone check that
> http://sourceforge.net/p/tei/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/P5/Exemplars/tei_tite.odd
> has actually been rewritten to be new-style?  The svn history on this is
> unclear.  It might have been done at
> https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/code/8764/ , but, again, I'm not positive.

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