[tei-council] guidance sought on maintenance of TEI Tite

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Sat Dec 6 18:48:20 EST 2014

Hello Council members,

I want to provide an update on the maintenance of TEI Tite.

In 2010, Laurent Romary, who was then Council chair, appointed a task 
force for the maintenance of Tite:


The task force hasn't really managed to work together much; instead, the 
others have been content to let me do things.

I let this work slide while I was on Council but when I finished up my 
term a year ago, I pledged to follow through on my unfulfilled 
obligations.  I've found some time recently to work on this.  (You can 
see my detailed notes if you're interested: 

At this point, I have managed to reconcile the two versions of Tite, and 
I have implemented a few bug and feature-request tickets that were 
straightforward and uncontroversial.

Still, there's one bug and a number of feature requests that I am not 
comfortable with implementing unilaterally, and I'm not even sure any 
more that the Council still wants decisions about Tite made by members 
of this task force.

I am willing to help see these things through to resolution, but I'd 
like to receive a renewed mandate to do so and, specifically, guidance 
on the extent to which I should make decisions on my own or seek input 
from you all or others.



P.S. -- I can never keep straight the difference between "old-style" and 
"new-style ODDs"; all I can remember is that one involved inclusion and 
the other exclusion of elements.  Could someone check that 
has actually been rewritten to be new-style?  The svn history on this is 
unclear.  It might have been done at 
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/code/8764/ , but, again, I'm not positive.

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