[tei-council] Preparation for F2F meeting

Hugh Cayless philomousos at gmail.com
Sun Nov 16 11:37:01 EST 2014

I share Lou’s skepticism about the overall utility of a simple validation service. It doesn’t seem like it adds a huge amount of value. On the other hand, it would be pretty simple to implement…What would probably be quite useful is a sort of "TEI Lint" that wouldn’t just tell you whether the document was valid, but would enumerate errors as much as possible and make suggestions about missing or inconsistent things. That would be hard to do, but potentially very useful.

I worry a bit about a simple validation tool: what if someone checks a P4 document against it, for example? It might be perfectly valid P4, but come back as invalid. It seems to me that’s not very helpful…


> On Nov 16, 2014, at 11:23 , lou <lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
> On 16/11/14 16:20, Peter Stadler wrote:
>> Am 16.11.2014 um 10:53 schrieb lou <lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk>:
>>> We'll discuss this later, but I think it might be helpful to specify
>>> more exactly the scope of the proposed validation service. Does it give
>>> the punter anything beyond what they can readily get by running jing (or
>>> whatever) for themselves?
>> My primarily intended users are not those with oXygen installed or those running jing on the command line (or whathaveyou). But
>> a) those with no knowledge about TEI (e.g. decision maker, funding bodies)
> Ah thanks for the clarification. But wouldn't it be easier to teach such 
> people to use the right tools for the job?
>> b) machines
> Which can presumably be made to use the right tools just as easily...
> -- 
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