[tei-council] Preparation for F2F meeting

Peter Stadler stadler at edirom.de
Sun Nov 16 11:32:33 EST 2014

Am 16.11.2014 um 11:23 schrieb lou <lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk>:

> On 16/11/14 16:20, Peter Stadler wrote:
>> Am 16.11.2014 um 10:53 schrieb lou <lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk>:
>>> We'll discuss this later, but I think it might be helpful to specify
>>> more exactly the scope of the proposed validation service. Does it give
>>> the punter anything beyond what they can readily get by running jing (or
>>> whatever) for themselves?
>> My primarily intended users are not those with oXygen installed or those running jing on the command line (or whathaveyou). But
>> a) those with no knowledge about TEI (e.g. decision maker, funding bodies)
> Ah thanks for the clarification. But wouldn't it be easier to teach such people to use the right tools for the job?
Hmm, if you just want to know whether the file you received is a valid (= conformant) TEI file it’s pretty much overkill to buy and install oXygen. (And not everyone is used to emacs, heck no! ;)

>> b) machines
> Which can presumably be made to use the right tools just as easily…
E.g. we rely on Jenkins for building our Guidelines. Of course everyone should be able to do this on his/her computer but it’s just more convenient to have an external service let the work do for you (and let others take care of dependencies and versions etc.)
I admit that building the Guidelines involves a little bit more than validation but I still think that people would use such a service. And I think it’s pretty easy to setup and maintain for that simple case.

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