[tei-council] Preparation for F2F meeting

Peter Stadler stadler at edirom.de
Sun Nov 16 09:36:17 EST 2014

I added „TEI Validation Service“ to the agenda for Wed. morning because I think it is (or can be related) to the OxGarage services. Things I’d like to discuss:
* Do we have a TEI Validation Service (like the W3C validator [1])
* If not, do we want one? (I’d say; yes, definitely!)
* Can that be integrated into OxGarage? (To my understanding, the ENRICH Garage Engine already supports validation)

These being the major issues, if we still have time we can of course dive into the details. As you might know, I’m presently working on a TEI validation service [2] and would be happy to present on that as well and discuss further issues:
* What sort of feedback can be given: simply valid/invalid or more details? the jing report or can it be enriched with additional information?
* Direct input of TEI snippets
* Shall we support TEI fragments


[1] http://validator.w3.org
[2] https://github.com/peterstadler/odd-validation
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