[tei-council] biblStruct madness

syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu
Fri Sep 19 10:15:38 EDT 2014

Addressing bug 383 is a bit of shooting ourselves in the already
bleeding foot.

I have (in my working copy) updated BIB and the element specification
for <biblStruct> to address this bug. All works fine.[1] However, now
the actual HTML bibliography in the generated Guidelines looks worse,
because the <idno> elements are showing up in the middle, not at the
end. This is because our template for <biblStruct> just applies
templates, it does not do anything intelligent with the order of
elements. (I don't even know how the punctuation gets in there.)

So I was inclined to try to fix the processing if <biblStruct> first.
However, I realize

 1. it's a sizable job just to do this one thing, let alone fix
    what's listed below

 2. <idno> isn't being processed well, anyway [2]

 3. there quite a few other things that need to be fixed in the
    processing of our bibliography, e.g.:
    a) spacing is sometimes screwy (e.g., no space before year "1992"
       in #KNUTH)
    b) Series-level titles are renditionally undifferentiated -- but
       I'm not sure they should be. See, e.g. #CH-eg-02. (Which is
       just mis-encoded anyway, isn't it? TR23 is not a series.
       That's probably a corrigible error. But it if it were a series
       title, A- it looks icky, and B- shouldn't it have been done as
       a <series>, anyway?)
    c) the CSS for <q> generates ugly straight quotes, as opposed to
       pretty curly ones
    d) we are using <biblScope> instead of <citedRange>
    e) we are completely inconsistent about whether or not there is
       whitespace after the '.' of (e.g.) "p. 7" or "pp. 7-11".
    f) The Princeton Band
    e) we are completely inconsistent as to whether or not the "p."
       or "pp." is included in the content of a <bibleScope> with
    And I'm sure there are others

 4. I'm running short on time right now

So, my plan is to simply check-in the updated <biblStruct> (that has
a manual constraint to flag a child <idno> as deprecated) and the
matching BIB-Bibliography.html without doing anything (yet) to fix
the stylesheets. The bibliography will just be a wee bit uglier for a
while. I expect to attack the stylesheet and other problems in early

[1] One exception that is unrelated -- in my local build the em dash
    that it part of the new deprecation message (in this case for
    "deprecate-altIdentifier-child") is stored as an em dash in
    Test/expected-results/detest.log, but is spit out as an octal
    code when I build on my Mac. Thus the two don't match, and the
    `diff` fails. This does not happen on Ubuntu. Have not tested
    running on Mac in Terminal (instead of Emacs). I'm basically not
    going to worry about this much, at least not now.

[2] We have 30 <idno>s inside a <listBibl>:
     23 inside <biblStruct> with type=DOI
      5 inside <biblStruct> w/o @type
      1 inside <biblStruct> with type=ISBN
      1 inside <bibl> w/o @type 
    But as far as I can tell the stylesheets have no code to handle
    "DOI" (only "doi") nor "ISBN". (They also handle "url", but that
    doesn't occur.)

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