[tei-council] addition of <availability>

Fabio Ciotti fabio.ciotti at uniroma2.it
Mon Sep 8 15:52:31 EDT 2014

Hi Martin,

> It is conceivable that a chapter of a book might have different
> availability criteria than the book that contains it (for instance, the
> first chapter may have been released freely online as a "taster", while
> the rest of the book is only available for purchase). So I think there
> is certainly justification for being able to distinguish between
> <availability> as it applies to <analytic> and as it applies to the
> containing <monogr> in the same <biblStruct>.

Yes I do agree. My point is that <biblStruct> contains the reference
to the chapter not to the monograph. As I understand the actual
situation if you want to put the monograph in the bibliography as a
distinct item you should add a distinct <biblStruct> from that with
the <analytic> description. So if you need to state anything about the
availability of the monograph it should go inside that second
<biblStruct>. En passant, it is obvious that this is very redundant
and that a more appropriate way of encoding this should give the
possibility to factorize the <monograph> and allow for pointers in the
analytic level (this is in fact possible since <monograph> has the
linking atts, but its content model requires the presence of at lest
<title> and <imprint>).


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