[tei-council] addition of <availability>

Syd Bauman syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu
Mon Sep 8 13:05:58 EDT 2014

By "inside <edition>" you mean "inside the group that starts with
<edition> and then has zero or more of <idno>, <editor>, etc.", and I
think that's exactly the right place for the desire to indicate the
availability of a particular edition.

I also think that right before model.noteLike is fine for the "whole
<monogr>" availability statement. (After all, <availability> is a bit
before model.noteLike in the content of <adminInfo>.)

But I don't think <availability> belongs in <imprint> at all. I'm not
100% sure on this, but I don't think copyright stuff is traditionally
considered part of the imprint.

> In the mad scramble to get fixes done by tonight, I have a question:
> Per the July f2f, I am adding <availability> to some elements that
> could use it:
> model.biblPart, <analytic> and <series>.
> We also decided that it should be added to <monogr> which is a more
> complex element. But this element seems to have 2 places where it
> makes sense to include it. I did both but can change it out before
> tonight.
> 1. as a generic entry, after the main bibliographic information, and
> just before the model.notelike set of elements.
> 2. Inside <edition> - in case the availability of a particular
> edition is not the same as the availability of the work as cited in
> the main part of the entry.
> Questions: does this make sense? If so, should <availability> also be
> added to <imprint> inside <monogr> ?

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