[tei-council] multiple representations of a graphic/media

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Mon Apr 28 13:08:23 EDT 2014

On 28/04/14 17:22, Martin Holmes wrote:
>> Secondly, if they could, what would it mean? Surely, it would mean that
>> the media was composed of several other media. Which is not the same at
>> all as these several other media are alternatives for each other, which
>> is the use case here as farv as I understand it.
> The idea is based on what HTML does with <object>, which works very well:
> <http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/objects.html#h-13.3>
> The user-agent is expected to use the first one in the tree that it's
> able to handle. At the bottom level is a text fallback that can be
> displayed when nothing else works; we already have <desc> for that.

This is fine for HTML, which is a language intended to tell you how to 
process a document, but is not necessarily a good model for TEI, which 
is a language intended to tell you how a document is organized. If you 
want <html:object>, use that.

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