[tei-council] Minutes online

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Wed Nov 20 18:30:08 EST 2013

On 13-11-20 01:32 PM, Lou Burnard wrote:
> On 20/11/13 21:27, Martin Holmes wrote:
>> Do you want it broken up into a series of separate tables? That's going
>> to make it hard to sort, surely?
> I wasn't aware that you either could or might want to sort it

You can sort it by clicking on the table headers. It's one way to find 
all the actions assigned to you.

>> Or would you like a separate table (or a separate page) for each person,
>> with only the items assigned to them?
> That might be even better yes. Though what will you do with items
> assigned to multiple peeps?

They'd have to be assigned to each person's page or table. Which would 
enable some people to mark an item as DONE if they've done their bit, 
while someone else in the same action who hasn't completed their bit 
would not have DONE in there. Not a bad approach.

I think I'll try and create a separate table for each distinct person 
with their own tickets. The wiki should make each table separately 
editable, I think.


Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
(mholmes at uvic.ca)

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