[tei-council] TEI Stylesheets, the road less travelled

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at it.ox.ac.uk
Sun Jul 28 19:11:59 EDT 2013

On 29 Jul 2013, at 00:06, Martin Holmes <mholmes at uvic.ca>
> The downside is that if you're working on edits to the Stylesheets and you want to see their effect on the current state of the Guidelines, you can't do that until a release has been done; and right now the only person who can do a release of the Debian packages is you

well, that can change.

> . So I think this will actively inhibit effective work on the Stylesheets, which I think is what you were trying to encourage.

i do!

but I want to turn the thing on its head. if you're developing changes to the Stylesheets, you work there, and we make that
do a P5 build as part of its extended tests.  so instead of passing the baton, it grabs a copy of P5 on the fly and runs a build.

> The idea of the current Jenkins setup is that we see, in the results of the complete build chain, the effect of the current state of the Stylesheets (unreleased, usually) combined with the current state of the Guidelines codebase and the schemas.

I do see why this is good sometimes, but it bothers me increasingly having the dependency between the raw states of two separate products. if they are all one,
lets really merge them. if they're not, lets separate them further.

but we're been round and round this many times, up and down the snakes and ladders...
Sebastian Rahtz      
Director (Research) of Academic IT
University of Oxford IT Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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