[tei-council] TEI Stylesheets, the road less travelled

Syd Bauman s.bauman at neu.edu
Wed Jul 24 08:26:25 EDT 2013

Well, we can argue the details of git vs svn in detail some other
time. Suffice it to say I think the extra steps needed to submit and
propogate a change are both conceptually and typingly more annoying
with git. But it's certainly not a big deal, and the advantages
Sebastian and Hugh list seem to outweigh them. (I just check out a
spare working copy when I have significant changes to make, but I can
see that having a repository structure locally could be helpful, even
if I'm not a big fan m'self.)

So while I'm still not really in favor, I certainly have no
objection. How does this affect our licensing, if at all? (I.e., does
GitHub insist on a particular license?)

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