[tei-council] listRelation membership in model.biblLike

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Wed Jun 5 03:18:45 EDT 2013

I agree with Kevin that this is all a bit of a mess. The original 
intention -- provide some way of encoding RDF triples by means of the 
`<relation>` element seems to have got buried. And I have found nothing  
in the record to explain why it was decided to implement this by 
changing  the members of model.biblLike. It looks suspiciously like a 
last minute kludge rather than a considered decision.

I suggest that Hugh, Sebastian, and other interested parties reconsider 
the implementation.

   On 05/06/13 00:11, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
> On 6/4/2013 7:08 PM, Martin Holmes wrote:
>> On 13-06-04 02:50 PM, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
>>> The wording that confuses Martin was likely borrowed from my comment on
>>> the ticket:
>>> https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/310/#6aba
>>> I'll try rephrasing for clarity:
>>> "so that bibl, biblStruct, and biblFull can contain<relation>  elements
>>> as children without needing to insert a<relationGrp>  as a child of
>>> bibl, biblStruct, and biblFull and then putting the<relation>  elements
>>> inside the<relationGrp>."
>> But<bibl>  (for instance) _cannot_ contain<relation>, can it? And
>> neither can<biblStruct>  or<biblFull>. So if that was the intention,
>> whatever was done didn't achieve it.
>> What has been achieved is to allow<listRelation>  and<relationGrp>  to
>> appear wherever<bibl>  et al can appear, which is something completely
>> different. I'm as puzzled as Lou is by it. Sebastian's argument that
>> weirder things pertain elsewhere in the TEI so we should leave well
>> alone surely doesn't hold if this is a simple case of an error in ticket
>> implementation.
> I agree that the ticket was misimplemented.  I believe the error crept
> in based on this summary of the action:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/310/?limit=10&page=1#b68c
> and the following comment that was implemented according to that
> summary.  But neither matches what was described at:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/310/#6aba
> I realize this went out 1.5 years ago, but I think it's best if we undo it.
> --Kevin

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