[tei-council] contact for i18n work

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at it.ox.ac.uk
Sun May 12 16:07:40 EDT 2013

On 12 May 2013, at 20:09, Lou Burnard <lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
> I thought we had already tested the mechanism for doing exactly that 
> with both French and Chinese examples? No doubt it could be improved and 
> better publicised, but it's not that experience in how to i18nify the 
> Guidelines is lacking.

yes and no. Yes, if we add exempla to the Gidlines in language X, they
come out in the right place and get validated and so on. No, in that
we don't have a workflow or any supporting tools for Domenico
and the Tagore scholars to use to submit examples. The only mechanism
we have is the clumsy (for this purpose) SF ticketing.

not a big deal in itself, but its little barriers in cases like this
that matter.

I might add that we still don't have the mechanism to accept longer
examples to enhance the Guidelines, ie the fully-marked up poem
or inscription or msDesc. Some of the same  problems apply.
Sebastian Rahtz      
Director (Research) of Academic IT
University of Oxford IT Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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