[tei-council] contact for i18n work

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at it.ox.ac.uk
Sun May 12 14:52:27 EDT 2013

On 12 May 2013, at 18:49, Gabriel Bodard <gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk> wrote:

>  Perhaps even consider 
> paying something (from our obviously unlimited code bounty pot) to help 
> some communities get started?

Since we're currently in the phase of waiting for detailed proposals
from various people of projects that we could fund, adding in an(other)
I18N would be perfectly plausible. But isn't what Lou already
has on the table (ie promotion of omegat) worth getting off the ground?

Domenico's complaint that so many of the examples in the Guidelines
are drawn from anglo-saxon dead white mens' writing (I paraphrase)
has value, indeed.  We do need that facility for him and his students
to upload extra examples from their cultural heritage (frankly
I doubt that the Italian examples will vary much from the english ones,
but maybe the Russian or Bengali ones will); setting up that
is a technical problem we could commission a solution for. 

So we can dig a hole and fill it with water, but we can't _make_ the Bengali
horse drink. There's a chicken and egg thing here - if Tagore scholars
don't use TEI cos they think it can't represent what they need to express,
and so don't supply examples or solutions, then the TEI will never be
suited to Tagore studies....

dhpoco is a brilliant invention. beyond criticism.
Sebastian Rahtz      
Director (Research) of Academic IT
University of Oxford IT Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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