[tei-council] TE Council Meeting in April.

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Tue Apr 2 13:48:34 EDT 2013

Hi Elli,

On 2/1/2013 11:55 AM, Mylonas, Elli wrote:
>> - We'll need a room for 12-15 people and some areas we can go for informal
>> small breakout groups?
> I have requested the Digital Scholarship Lab for those days. If there
> is a class in it, we can move next door for an hour or two. There are
> at least 2 rooms for breakouts in the same building (room next to DSL,
> my office conference table), and possibly one or two more.

Has this location been confirmed for Thursday, Friday, and/or Saturday? 
  (I see at http://library.brown.edu/dsl/ that there's a lecture 
scheduled in there for Thursday, so I guess we'd have to move next door 
during that time, as you suggested.)


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