[tei-council] Prefixing ids with "tei_"

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Fri Jan 18 14:37:24 EST 2013

Hi Lou

On 13-01-18 11:29 AM, Lou Burnard wrote:
> On 18/01/13 19:26, Martin Holmes wrote:
>>> The wrinkle is that I can't find a way to do just the in-page ids; I
>> have to do the page filenames as well, because @xml:ids are intimately
>> tied up with chapter page names. So where before we had SD.html, we now
>> have tei_SD.html. This will be annoying to people who have bookmarked
>> pages in the guidelines, but it could be mitigated by redirects.
> I think that's very annoying. It's also feature-creep -- we embarked on
> the idea of modifying the IDs because they're transparent, but the page
> identifiers are not.

I know. I don't like it myself.

>> If this change is unacceptable, then I think I'll have to give up on
>> this approach, and go for post-processing the Guidelines pages after
>> they're generated. I think that will add more time to the build than the
>> pre-processing approach.
> really?

I think so, because visiting every @xml:id, @target and @corresp in the 
source amounts to less work than visiting every @id and @href in the 
output; we generate many more links in processing than are explicitly 
there in the source. Also, processing the source amounts to processing a 
single file (p5.xml -> p5_prefixed.xml), whereas to process the output 
would require processing every html page.

>> Let me know what you think. It may be that this whole idea is not worth
>> the trouble.
> It's never seemed worth the effort to me, to tell the truth. We had one
> problem, which we solved without going to these lengths.

AFAIK, the problem is still there with at least one adblock list: the 
Fanboy list developers completely ignored our requests for a change. 
However, their list looks like it's moribund -- no updates since August.


Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
(mholmes at uvic.ca)

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