[tei-council] Attributes without examples

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Thu Dec 20 23:13:21 EST 2012

To bring back an old thread, I've looked at this wiki page that Martin 
created and seen that it includes attributes that have a defined list of 
legal values.  It seems to me that there's not much point in giving 
examples of these since the list of values generally explains what each 

Martin, do you still have the code you used to create the list?  Could 
you possibly exclude those that have a list of legal values?  If you are 
able to create this list, we are still, unfortunately, stuck merging the 
existing page, where people have signed up to add certain examples.


On 8/12/12 8:22 PM, Martin Holmes wrote:
> The last time I took a look through these, I seem to remember coming to
> the conclusion that one situation in particular is most urgent: where
> attributes are declared in an attribute class, and none of the elements
> which are members of that attribute class have examples which illustrate
> the use of that attribute.
> I'm not sure how many of these there are -- I was halfway through some
> XSLT to find out, but I got distracted. I'll try to finish that.
> Cheers,
> Martin
> On 12-08-12 12:16 PM, James Cummings wrote:
>> One of the things that Kevin reminded me of recently was that we
>> still have lots of attributes without examples:
>> http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/AttsWithoutEgs
>> I'm as guilty as the others who have not signed up to provide
>> some, but will try to do so in the next week or two.  Any other
>> suggestions? Can everyone sign up to provide some examples?
>> -James

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