[tei-council] G'hub vs SF

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Thu Dec 13 12:58:31 EST 2012

On 13/12/12 17:04, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> Actually, I do have a proposal. which is to move the entire development of Stylesheets
> to Github, with all its fandangles like docx to TEI; and to maintain a stable
> fork of a subset for the TEI-C.

That makes more sense. Assuming you can clearly identify the "stable 
fork subset". I assume the touchstone is that it's used to generate a 
release of TEI P5 then  it must be in the sf repo, and the rules about 
who can modify it  and with what level of testing are a little fiercer. 
So teitohtml is needed, as is teitolatex (for the PDF generation) but 
teitodocx is not. How about teitoepub?

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