[tei-council] Code bounty candidate tools

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Thu Dec 13 12:37:17 EST 2012

On 13/12/12 17:31, Gabriel Bodard wrote:
> 2. "Foxtrot" tool: Lou's proposed tool to solve the Durand Conundrum
> (can you remind us what this does and what the problem is that it solves?)

I am not sure why this got on the list of tools : the proposal is to 
make some revisions to the existing ODD format so as to enable 
everything to be expressed in TEI ODD, instead of having some bits 
expressed in a subset of RELAXNG. I believe  I am supposed to be 
completing and testing the existing proposal but would of course welcome 
input from anyone interested. When (if) the spec is completed, then  
some existing ODD processing tools may wish to change the ways they 
generate schemas, etc, but I don't see that there's need for any 
specific tool here.

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