[tei-council] Oddity with Roma

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Thu Nov 15 13:42:35 EST 2012

 >Github aficionadoes may like to grab from 
https://github.com/Burlinn/Byzantium and give the eastern >Rome a twirl 
on the dancefloor. He (Nick) only has two more weeks on this, so we 
won't get a lot >more functionality done, but I think it is a foundation 
our community can build on.

1. selecting a different language (e.g. francais) doesnt seem to do anything

2. I don't think "unadded" is a word is it? But in any case it makes no 
sense at all to base the camembert on the module count : elements 
included in the schema would be more use

3. I tried to supply a name for my customisation and save it, I got an 
amusing box headed "javascript alert" containing (just) a red exclamatin 
mark and an OK button

4. Pressing "export" (with ODD selected in the dropdown) gave me a file 
called "teidoc" rather than the name I supplied in (3) together with 
another inscrutable javascript alert. On inspection this did include a 
valid ODD

5. Ditto with HTML gave me a file called "teidoc.html" which looked 
promising but didnt seem to have anything in it except the title

6. Dito with DTD. Empty DTD.

It is a lot easier to hack than Roma, comprising under 1000 lines of 
Javascript, and no external dependencies apart from OxGarage. -- 
Sebastian Rahtz Director (Research Support) of Academic IT Services 
University of Oxford IT Services 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone 
+44 1865 283431

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