[tei-council] State of play on GREEN tickets

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Sat Sep 15 07:54:49 EDT 2012

There are only SIX GREEN tickets still open on 15 sep 12. I don't think 
any of them needs any particular discussion at the meeting, unless the 
assignee wants to decline the honour, or report progress. Here's the 
list, just for completeness.

* Allow local modification of attributes belonging to a class FR/3415801
- assigned to rahtz.

* needs repair (clarification of "chunks", "components", and 
related terminology) B/3547934
- assigned to louburnard. Some comments on ticket. Revised wording to be 
drafted for mtg

* Names and Dates chapter does not mention calendar - B/3540863
- assigned to jcummings

* AdBlock blocks 'msad' - B/3472477
- assigned to martindholmes : requires action at next release to 
generate prefixed identifiers throughout text of GL

* i18n revision due - B/3432216
- assigned to rahtz

* change all references to "hosts" to "partners" - B/3395448
- assigned to kshawkin. Waiting on decision as to status of Virginia. 
(Maybe we shd close ticket now all the same?)

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