[tei-council] New UVic Jenkins server is now the default

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Fri Sep 14 15:36:13 EDT 2012

Hi all,

I've just finished the process of switching from our old Jenkins server 
(built on Ubuntu 10.04) to the new one (built on 12.04, the latest 
Long-Term Support edition). The server is here:


The old URL with the 8080 port number will still work:


but I've proxied it through Apache on port 8080 so that when we find 
ourselves in those silly environments where port 8080 is blocked we're 
not inconvenienced.

I've updated TCW20 and 22 with the new address (without port 8080), as 
well as the wiki page about the Jenkins build script. I don't think the 
URL is mentioned anywhere else, but if you come across an instance with 
8080, let me know.

The plan is for this subdomain to be stable in the long term, with new 
servers rotated in as Ubuntu releases come out.

Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
(mholmes at uvic.ca)

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