[tei-council] Lite Final

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Sat Jul 28 12:02:42 EDT 2012

I've now added the comments from James, Sebastian, and Martin into the 
wiki page, and it seems clear that we should make at least the following 
major changes:

5. add simpler example for prose drama

9. correct the discussion of xml:lang values

16. add @facs

There are several bits we agree should be left alone.

There are some points of contention, e.g.

7. James and Sebastian object strongly to mentioning CSS in discussing 
@rend, I think it's not such a bad idea, since we don't discuss any of 
the other options for documenting rendition.

8. I would prefer to remove <quote> rather than add <said>, leaving just 
<q> and explaining that this is ambiguous between <quote> and <said>. SR 
and JC prefer to add <said> to the mix, retaining <q>, which seems like 
tag overload to me.

And there are several points of uncertainty...

I propose to wait until Monday morning for further input from Council 
members, and then start hacking the source. OK?

On 26/07/12 15:30, Lou Burnard wrote:
> I've written up some comments on what may or may not need changing to
> produce a "final" version of the TEI Lite tutorial and put them on the
> vicky thang.
> see http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/LiteFinal
> This contains 22 questions. You can answer them either there (but
> remember to sign you answer) or in an email here.

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