[tei-council] readme for 2.1.0 release

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Sat Jun 16 14:13:50 EDT 2012

Some very unfortunate person fell onto the tracks outside the Gare du 
Nord this afternoon, and consequently I had a full extra hour sitting on 
the Eurostar home. Which means that although I did look through and 
sunmmarize all the tickets changed since the last release, I have only 
just now been able to check the result in to the repo.

I'm still working on it (some of the notes in the changelog were a bit 
too cryptic and without internet access I couldn't  decrypt them) but 
would appreciate having my attention drawn to anything council members 
feel is conspicuously missing or wrong.

The document is in the repo at P5/Releasenotes/readme-2.1.0.xml : you'll 
see that I've copied as XML comments the log messages summarized by each 
section, which form quite an entertaining corpus in themselves.

If you update your Stylesheets you'll find that there is now a "readme" 
profile for use with teitotxt which enables you to produce a plain text 
version of the file. I'll post the output from that here when I've 
finished tweaking, hopefully later today.

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