[tei-council] Release notes for 2.1.0

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Sat Jun 16 18:09:10 EDT 2012

I've stopped tweaking them now.

Plain text version, for distribution, follows:

TEI P5 version 2.1.0 release notes

   This is a maintenance release of the P5 Guidelines, which does 
however introduce some changes in existing content models.
   The majority of these changes and corrections are a consequence of 
feature requests or bugs reported by the TEI community, using the 
Sourceforge tracking system. The Council has also launched an initiative 
to make some systematic improvements in the prose of the Guidelines, 
notably in normalising some spelling and punctuation variations.
   Since the last release (14 February 2012), the Council has considered 
and disposed of 70 tickets entered in the sourceforge tracking system, 
from 15 different members of the TEI community. Full details may be 
found at http://tei.sf.net : an active list sorted by ticket number is 
available at the url http://bit.ly/N2P9Q2 and ticket numbers are also 
referenced in the subversion ChangeLog, as usual.

1  Schema Changes

   These changes should not affect existing documents, but do result in 
changes to the generated schemas.
   1  The content models of <availability> , <encodingDesc> , <formula> 
, <idno> <postscript> , <spGrp> , <surface> , and <table> have been 
modified to remove some inappropriate restrictions (3449887, 1650195, 
3437782, 3441658, 3305016)
   2  Additional schematron constraints have been implemented for 
several elements, notably for <attDef> , <delSpan> and other members of 
the att.spanning class.
   3  A new class att.datcat has been introduced to permit the use of 
ISO Standard Data Category Registry values where appropriate (3432520)
   4  The attribute version has been renamed versionDate to clarify its 
function (3393781)
   5  A new class att.witnessed was introduced to ensure that only 
appropriate elements carry the wit attribute (3496951)
   6  A new attribute targetLang was added to the att.pointing class to 
specify the language of the content of an element being pointed to 

2  Textual Changes

   A large number of minor enhancements of various kinds were 
implementing, ranging from correction of typos and normalisation of 
punctuation, to rewording of phrases considered needlessly obscure. In 
addition, a number of systematic checks and enhancements were carried out :
  * explicit usage examples are being added for all attributes 
specified, to complement those already provided for all elements;
  * several passages reported as misleading or ambiguous in sourceforge 
tickets were reworded or clarified;
  * some cosmetic changes were made to the formatting of the PDF and 
HTML versions of the Guidelines, notably to ensure that only open source 
fonts are used throughout;
  * a large number of typos were corrected, many of them reported by a 
few careful proofreaders from the TEI Community (particular thanks this 
time to Jens Østergaard Petersen and to Pablo Rodriguez who between them 
reported over 30 errors!)

3  Environmental Changes

   The production of new releases of TEI P5 is now almost entirely 
automated, with all modifications continuously tested using a pair of 
Jenkins continuous integration servers. This has necessitated 
development and maintenance of a suite of scripts which have seen a 
large number of changes since the Council decided to ensure that a TEI 
P5 Release could be tested and delivered by any Council member. Full 
details of the current procedure for doing this are now provided in 
working document TCW20, which has been considerably enhanced during this 

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