[tei-council] <stage> in divliminal

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Tue Jun 5 17:16:22 EDT 2012

On 05/06/12 14:05, Paul F. Schaffner wrote:
> (1) this song is less speech-like than many, and could easily
> do without the <sp> tags. As James says.

I've got a problem with <head>s inside <sp> (even if in a nested 
<lg>) because in my poor brain it suggests that the speaker 
spoke/sung the <head>, but in most cases I don't think that is 
what the author/printer intended to be conveyed. (Just that it is 
a non-spoken heading for the bit that is spoken/sung.)  So when I 
see this, I keep thinking it needed to be encoded differently, 
e.,g. as with floatingText as you suggest. I'm not saying this is 
wrong, just that it makes me do a double-take, imho.

> (4) the reason we allow <stage> (rightly or wrongly in this case)
> in that unfortunate position amongst the div-liminals
> is that we regard <stage> as a specialization of <note>.

That seems reasonable, it is a note in the same way a marginal 
annotation is a note.

Dr James Cummings, InfoDev,
Computing Services, University of Oxford

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