[tei-council] TEI TITE question

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Tue May 8 18:28:13 EDT 2012

On 08/05/12 18:29, Gabriel BODARD wrote:
> (May I also put in a plea for James not to be so coy, and to summarise
> his arguments against on the ticket, because almost no one is going to
> click through to two blog posts from Sourceforge! I didn't. ;-) )

re: @rend ticket; Will do. (I'm for data.word use, but open to a 
suggested valList)

Lots of back and forth today on Tite, seemingly with no clear 

I'm still of the opinion that using things like <b> and <i> are 
perfectly reasonable TEI Conformable customisations of the TEI. 
I did a TEI Corset customisation of the TEI for a project 
recently which was byte-reduced (because keying company was 
charging per kilobyte produced...weirdoes). Almost all 
elements/attributes/values were single letters. I've not seen any 
clear argument why such customisations need to be in TEI itself 
rather than just as a data-entry or data-generation schema prior 
to automatic conversion back to full TEI.

I had keyers do something like:

<d t="e"><h>Heading</h><p>And then here was <n>Mr smith</n></p></d>

and convert it back to full TEI.  The point is that it is a 
customisation with use of <equiv>, not a different schema.


Dr James Cummings, InfoDev
Oxford University Computing Services
University of Oxford

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