[tei-council] Draft Agenda for AnnArbor2012 face2face meeting

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Wed Apr 11 06:46:47 EDT 2012

Hi All,

I've put a draft agenda up on the wiki at:


Now is the time to shout, re-order stuff, add stuff, etc. Feel 
free to change it (and/or add more detail) as you feel appropriate.

My suggestion is that we organise each day to structurally 
alternate between other business and bugs/FR. e.g. warming up by 
talking about some of the issues/actions that have been raised, 
then work through bugs/FR, have lunch, talk about other issues, 
then work on bugs/FR.

You'll notice the 'open lunch' on Tuesday. Kevin and Becky can 
tell us more about that. (psst, that is a cue.)

I'm hoping because of Lou's triaging work (see 
http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/Council/Working/tcw17.html) we 
can progress through the Green bugs/FR very quickly and move on 
to the Amber ones.

HOMEWORK: I would like *every* council member to spend some time 
(if you have not already) looking through *every* Green and then 
Amber Bug/FR. If you have any objections or comments, add it to 
the SF ticket for the item.  If you think the right conclusion 
has been reached (e.g. on an Amber one), add it to the ticket. In 
the meeting *no* Bug/FR should come as a surprise to you! (Well, 
except perhaps ones submitted between now and then!)

Minutes: Martin and Becky have volunteered to take minutes, and 
Kevin has arranged for a UM student to gain some experience by 
converting them to TEI.

Flights: Can I confirm who amongst us needs to depart early on 
the Wednesday and by what time?  Sebastian and my flight doesn't 
leave until about 10pm now, I believe.

Remote Participants: I believe it is StuartY and GabyB that are 
participating remotely.  Can you make sure that some of us have 
your skype usernames (and I know both of you know how to use the 
IRC channel).

Dr James Cummings, InfoDev,
Computing Services, University of Oxford

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