[tei-council] summary of Council taking on a role in maintenance of Best Practices for TEI in Libraries

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Tue Mar 27 20:04:23 EDT 2012

Thank you all for your thoughtful responses so far.

On this point ...

On 3/27/12 10:00 AM, Piotr Bański wrote:
> Another question is: maybe the SIG doesn't *need* to modify the BP for
> now because it's acceptable as it is? So maybe it's not a general lack
> of interest, but just a lack of interest in fixing what ain't broke? (I
> realise that these may be naive questions, I stress that I'm asking them
> as an outsider.)

... I can say that we've already accumulated quite a list of things to 


Some were noted between April 2008 (when we started work on the BP) and 
October 2011 (when we released it) but set aside because the problems 
were too complicated or because the solution depended on work that was 
underway in the TEI community as a whole.  Others have arisen because of 
changes that Council has made to P5 since this fall.


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