[tei-council] P5 releases: changes to boilerplate HTML code

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Sun Feb 26 11:41:11 EST 2012

One more suggestion:

d) In the "Declaration" section of each element definition, there's an 
HTML button that says "Compact to XML format".  If you click on it, the 
button label changes to say "XML format to compact".  These labels are 
confusing, so I'd like to suggest changing as follows:

"Compact to XML format" --> "Switch to XML format"

XML format to compact" --> "Switch to compact format"

On 2/23/12 8:04 PM, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
> I recall that when a new release of the TEI is made, all of the stuff at
> the top of each HTML page -- the TEI logo, the navbar, the search box,
> and the phrase "P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and
> Interchange" -- is inserted at time of compilation. Somewhere there is a
> file that stores the bits of HTML code needed for this.
> Related to that, a few things:
> a) This code is in need of updating: the menu options have not kept up
> with things being used on the TEI website.
> b) We should note the location of the code in tcw22 and make a note to
> compare against what's currently in use on the TEI website and adjust as
> necessary.
> c) Currently the P5 version number is in fine print at the bottom of the
> page, along with the last updated information. To a casual visitor, this
> looks like a version number for the particular HTML file, not the full
> guidelines. Furthermore, a casual visitor is unlikely to ever see this.
> Therefore, I'd like to request that we modify the code to insert the
> current version number somewhere near "P5: Guidelines for Electronic
> Text Encoding and Interchange". Right now there's no straightforward way
> for someone to know that there are versions of P5 and to know which they
> are looking at, and I think this would make it obvious that the
> Guidelines are in fact under constant evolution.
> --Kevin

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