[tei-council] updating TCW20

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Sun Dec 18 12:03:17 EST 2011

On 18/12/11 16:36, Kevin Hawkins wrote:

>> Fixed, I think. You need to make the appropriate zip as the default
>> download on the  https://sourceforge.net/projects/tei/files/TEI-P5-all/
>> page.
> Where should this step go in TCW20?  Can this file be found in the SF
> repository?

It's the last step I would suggest. It's not a file: you go to that page 
on the sf site and click the appropriate buttons. You have to be logged 
in as a sf site admin I think.

>> While I was at it, I added an announcement to the News blog, so that
>> news of the release will appear on the website front page.
> I feel that this should be left to the TEI-C's news editors to do.  They
> monitor TEI-L for significant announcements to post.  However, I've
> recently had to nudge for things to be listed, so perhaps the current
> system isn't working so well.  Thoughts?

Well, it USED to be the case that when you add a story to the SF blog 
the story was automatically propagated to the web site, but that seems 
to have stopped working. So either that should be reinstated, or the 
editors of the website need to be pingged at the approproiate moment. 
(David and James, plz consider yourself pingged!)

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