[tei-council] updating TCW20

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Sun Dec 18 11:36:06 EST 2011

Thanks to David for making some improvements to TCW20 a few days.  I am 
happy to further update TCW20 to give fuller documentation on the 
release process, but I need a bit more guidance than the passing 
statements offered so far.  In particular:

> Fixed, I think. You need to make the appropriate zip as the default
> download on the  https://sourceforge.net/projects/tei/files/TEI-P5-all/
> page.

Where should this step go in TCW20?  Can this file be found in the SF 

> While I was at it, I added an announcement to the News blog, so that
> news of the release will appear on the website front page.

I feel that this should be left to the TEI-C's news editors to do.  They 
monitor TEI-L for significant announcements to post.  However, I've 
recently had to nudge for things to be listed, so perhaps the current 
system isn't working so well.  Thoughts?

>> > Has tcw20 been updated so that someone could do a release by following them with no special or magic knowledge? (Or accounts/passwds)
>> >

> the secret account/password issue is that  the install script
> needs to be run on www.tei-c.org, which limits things. Its
> in /home/oxford, working, at the moment.

The script is already mentioned in TCW20, but as Lou says, naturally we 
don't give the password on this public document.

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