[tei-council] Disambiguation of <ident> and <idno> (and also <gi>)

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Wed Nov 23 16:08:33 EST 2011

>> -------
>> <ident>  should be used for tokens such as variable names, class names,
>> type names, function names etc. in formal programming languages. (It
>> should not be used for element and attribute names in XML, for which the
>> special elements<gi>  and<att>  are provided.)

+1 from me for this definition

>> <idno>  should be used for labels which uniquely identify an object or
>> concept in a formal cataloguing system such as a database or an RDF
>> store, or in a distributed system such as the World Wide Web.

This misses the crucial point that you can't have an <idno> floating 
around in space. It has to be inside something for which it supplies the 
identifier. I think of it as being like xml:id, but using other rules. 
Though of course you could do something mad like

<bibl xml:id="xyz">
<idno type="xmlId">xyz</idno>

I suppose

>     <p>  variable<ident>name</ident>  is declared here</p>
> makes sense, but
>    <p>  variable<idno>name</idno>  is declared here</p>
> means ??? supplies an ID for this para? anyway, wrong.

what he said.

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