[tei-council] minutes/release deadline

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Fri Nov 11 13:56:32 EST 2011

On 11/11/11 14:46, David Sewell wrote:
> Council minutes have in the past always been posted to
> http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/Council/Meetings/index.xml. In
> principle there's no reason additions to that list could not
> point to a page on the TEI wiki instead of to a static XML
> file. But that would be establishing a significantly new
> precedent.

I don't believe there is any intention to do so, I believe 
MartinH was planning to TEI'ify them after Council input on the 
draft on the wiki.  (Martin, correct me if I'm wrong.)


Dr James Cummings, InfoDev,
Computing Services, University of Oxford

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