[tei-council] Fwd: notated music

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Wed Jun 29 12:59:47 EDT 2011

 > 1. we have ways of including other media within a TEI document
 > (<graphic><binaryObject>  ) which make explicit what kind of object is
 > being included and indicate a representation of it by a pointer, or by
 > including it explicitly. But we don't have any explicit way of saying
 > "this is a pointer to or container for an XML representation of this
 > object in some other namespace" (If we did we could use it also for
 > things like<formula>  -- pointing to a mathml fragment -- or<textClass>
 > pointing to some dcmi stuff -- which might be cool)

This has made me think that what we actually need is a new ATTRIBUTE, 
whose purpose is explicitly to point to something intended to be 
transcluded (whatever that means). Perhaps we could have:

<ptr transcludeTarget="blah.xml"/>


On 11-06-29 03:50 AM, Lou Burnard wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: notated music
> Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 10:34:14 +0100
> From: Lou Burnard<lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk>
> To: raffaele.viglianti at kcl.ac.uk, tei-council
> Thanks, Raffaele, for the clarification and apologies if my stupid
> quesitons are making you repeat matters already abundantly clear. In
> particxular thanks for the more elaborated example, since this makes
> clear to me, at least, that what you;re aiming to shoehorn quite a lot
> into what I had thought of as a fairly straightfoirward extension.
> I think there are two issues.
> 1. we have ways of including other media within a TEI document
> (<graphic><binaryObject>  ) which make explicit what kind of object is
> being included and indicate a representation of it by a pointer, or by
> including it explicitly. But we don't have any explicit way of saying
> "this is a pointer to or container for an XML representation of this
> object in some other namespace" (If we did we could use it also for
> things like<formula>  -- pointing to a mathml fragment -- or<textClass>
> pointing to some dcmi stuff -- which might be cool)
> 2. you want to include as child of musicNotation many alternative
> representations of the music, some of which (in my inexpert opinion) are
> really not representations of the notated music itself, but related
> items such as performances of it, This seems to make the notatedMusic
> element more of a bibliography-like thing than a graphic-like thing.
> Hence, I assume, the preference for<ptr>  -- which is as Sebastian says
> -- a very general pointing mechanism, and so does not presume any
> semantics other than "over there".
> Or am I still over simplifying?
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Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
(mholmes at uvic.ca)

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