[tei-council] Project Gutenberg

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Mon Apr 18 14:58:35 EDT 2011

Okay.  Regardless of whether you use inclusion or exclusion, I was just 
thinking about an element ("A") that happens to be included in the 
customization but whose content model changes in the TEI source.  Say 
the content model of A was changed to include "B", which was also 
included in your customization.  Assuming you had never modified the 
content model of A, would this change be reflected if you regenerate the 
schema for your customization (again, regardless of whether you use 
inclusion or exclusion)?


On 4/18/2011 11:44 AM, James Cummings wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> The answer is, predictably, "it depends".  In this case, it would
> depend if they defined their ODD by inclusion or exclusion.  The
> older style (exclusion) meant that you said 'give me module A,
> and from it delete element X, Y, and attribute class Z'. Newer
> ODDs are able also to do the reverse (inclusion) which means they
> can say 'from module A give me element B, C, and attribute class
> D'.
> In the former case, when TEI adds new elements(etc.) and the
> project regenerates their schema, they will then get these new
> elements because they've not chosen to delete them.  In the
> latter case they will not get these elements because they've not
> chosen to include them.
> If you always want to get the latest and greatest additions to
> the TEI, then choosing an ODD by exclusion makes sense. If you
> want to have a very static ODD where only things change when the
> elements you use are changed, then choosing and ODD by inclusion
> makes sense.
> Another example of the TEI giving you multiple ways to do things
> and this being useful and powerful. ;-)
> -james

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