[tei-council] Fwd: Re: TEI bibliography

Stuart Yeates stuart.yeates at vuw.ac.nz
Sun Apr 10 05:09:53 EDT 2011

Stuart said:
>Kevin said:
>> As for http://www.zotero.org/groups/text_encoding_initiative , its
>> description references the TEI bibliography, but it appears that it is
>> only meant to supplement it.  Is that right?
>I believe if predates this discussion. I believe it contains references
>for only the  TEI bibliography entries that have URLs. The metadata
>is derived from referents using the Zotero method. Literally I clicked
>on all the URLs in the bibliography and then clicked 'add to Zotero' to

Sorry, I should have answered your question more directly: I have 
no plans for the group I started. If a plan doesn't emerge (and 
suggestions are welcome), I'll wind it up and have it point to the other 


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