[tei-council] logistics for Council meeting in Chicago

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Thu Jan 27 11:24:24 EST 2011

On 1/26/2011 4:01 PM, Lou Burnard wrote:
> On 26/01/11 19:53, Martin Mueller wrote:
>> I costs are a concern, would it make sense to have the meeting in Evanston at the
>> Orrington Hotel. It would be a good deal cheaper than the Marriot, I think. there is
>> a very nice and even cheaper hotel within walking distance. And it's virtually on
>> the Northwestern campus.
> Are you thinking of the place Laurent and I and others stayed at when we
> came to the symposium last month?
> If so, I can confirm that it was very nice -- much nicer than the OHare
> Marriott certainly!
> Maybe you could even swing us a meeting room at North Western?
> However, you probably need to discuss this off line with Kevin, who has
> already done a lot of hard work getting things organised

Yes, Martin Mueller and I have been discussing this offline.  The 
Orrington and Evanston, while more charming than the Marriott and the 
area near O'Hare, won't really save us money in the end, even though 
Martin has access to meeting facilities at Northwestern University.

So, we'll still plan on the Big Ten Center and the Marriot.


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