[tei-council] Council meeting in April - Symposium on 11. April

stuart yeates stuart.yeates at vuw.ac.nz
Tue Jan 18 15:36:29 EST 2011

On 19/01/11 08:33, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:

> Why don't we have a day of dark and light? presentations which ask questions
> and cast doubt alternating with presentations which show what can be achieved
> and where the TEI has done its job. A digital librarian doubter from the
> midwest can be followed by Stuart showing how it worked in NZ, for example.

I'm happy to participate remotely if it would help.

> While I have no great desire to talk about OxGarage, because it's really
> rather a trivial bit of software, I do think a talk about the problems of
> designing a family of XSL stylesheets to process arbitrary TEI docs
> might be worthwhile - depending on the audience, of course.

The case could be argued that OxGarage is a trivial piece of software 
(I've not looked at the internals, so I don't know), but it can only be 
trivial once one has made a whole chain of other decisions have been 
made---decisions about encoding, decisions about organisation, decisions 
about technology, decisions about authority control. To my eye it's the 
rationale around those chains of decisions that are most interesting and 
important for doubters and newbies.

Discussion of the problems of designing a family of XSL stylesheets to 
process arbitrary TEI docs does sound interesting. Sounds like an ideal 
topic for a wikibook, so we can all contribute and help keep it up-to-date.

Stuart Yeates
Library Technology Services http://www.victoria.ac.nz/library/

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