[tei-council] Quoting a TEI object

Peter Boot pboot at xs4all.nl
Wed Sep 10 16:41:56 EDT 2008

David Sewell schreef:
> The advantage of doing this would be that anyone accustomed to using
> DOIs for citations could simply cite a DOI. So instead of the reference
> for <name> in the Guidelines
>   http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-name.html
> we would use something like
>   doi:10.1111/tei-p5-doc:en:ref-name.html

The latter is certainly much more elegant and resistant to change. I'd 
remove the '.html' at the end. HTML might be yesteryear's fashion a few 
years from now :-)


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