[tei-council] <foliation> in MS

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Wed Jul 2 13:08:40 EDT 2008

Arianna Ciula wrote:
> I agree foliation should be definitively repeatable, but I can see an 
> argument for making others repeatable too ...but that's going too far 
> for now...
this case of text contradicting schema has been pointed out by
a user, which is why I wanted to fix it. if there are other
cases of that situation, worth noting them.
> I also agree with David that it may seem confusing to have snippets of 
> text all in one sequence without interruption within the same example 
> box, especially when that sequence means 'this belong to the same 
> document' in other cases; may be we can differentiate those examples 
> stylistically somehow? this is a job that requires editing the examples 
> one by one though...so not for now...
If there are examples that bother you like this, putting a
"stop example... start new example" in the middle
is perfectly easy.  Then there would be a visible gap.

I'd suggest that we don't do this today, however :-}
> I think, in the medium term, there is room for improving the examples in 
> general e.g. making them citable as Dan, I think, pointed out.
I agree. but that needs some experimentation, I think

Sebastian Rahtz      

Information Manager, Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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