[tei-council] see FR 1925125

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Sat Jun 21 15:49:48 EDT 2008

Gabriel proposed  the following two changes as resolution for this ticket
after the last Council:

(1) @extent and @unit on gap are to be suppressed, and instead gap will be
made a member of att.dimensions, which gives it @quantity and @unit.

(2) att.dimensions is to be extended by the addition of attributes: @from
and @to (to indicate ranges of quantities); @atLeast and @atMost (for
uncertain/imprecise quantities).

The trouble with this is that we also decided to add @precision to both att.dimensions and att.editLike.
Adding <gap> (which is a member of att.editLike) to att.dimensions would thus give it the same attribute twice.


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